December rain?

It's the middle of December, and there is a storm raging outside. I kid you not. Howling winds, pelting rainfall, the whole package. Another Ice Age? Tsunami? Pick your favorite disaster and brace yourself for it, because the world it seems is really going kaput in a short while. Not one of my utmost concerns right now. The gushing cold winds, the light spray of rain, splattering across my balcony, as I sit in it's shadowy recess, music and a warm brew of coffee nestling deep in my palms. Yes, tomorrow I have yet another exam. Yes, I have not studied anything for it, and despite what people think, I know bare minimum about the subject. Do I care? Does it bother me? Not as of now. For now, I am in my heaven. A heaven of peace and tranquility. A heaven filled with thoughts, imaginations, where things are either good, or not that good.

Sadly, that heaven is also full of mosquitoes, thus ensuring my hasty retreat into the warm comfort of my room. But the thrill of watching the storm rage on, unleashing itself across the dark horizon, powerful, mighty, and contemptuous of all that stands in its way, is one of the best highs that nature can give you. It is truly a royal sight. It imbibes into us a sense of fear, awe and respect. And for all its rage, and all its fury, as it passes over, it instills new calm and a sense of hope. A belief and a chance at a new beginning. For tomorrow, the sun shall rise once more and a new day will come.

P.S. The new day shall also bring with it, a paper on Engineering Economics, but bleh to that... The world is ending. Cheers.


  1. khil khilachhili toh kotto post eco :P
    man-ed and machine-d :D

  2. Enjoying coffee in the rain?....last eco exam ta toh Godfather pore diyechili ..ebar ki porli ?

    1. Godfather tai Economics er perfect textbook. When shoja bhabe taka ashena, kidnap, murder and blackmail. It is the economics ka Bible. :D


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