Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice...

Haven't blogged properly in a while now, but I'm really short of ideas. Looking around, for some old content among my school notes, I dug this one up. I don't remember why I wrote this, or even, when I wrote this, but after a week of many a tiffs and fights, this seemed appropriate. Is holding onto little grudges really worth the while? Instead of sounding all preachy, I'm going to let someone far more wise, and far beyond the scope of retribution, sum it up for me.

All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” 

Anyway, as promised, here is something of a post. A poem that I'd written sometime in my youth. I really liked naming all my characters and titles after movies and songs, I notice.

Brother's In Arms

We met in school on a summer's day,
Toddlers spending time away.
Scribbling with my pencil new,
He came up to me with smiles afew.
"I really like your pencil" , he said,
"Such bright shades of blue and red.
I am really shy but I have to say,
Can I borrow it, for just a day?"
For a moment there I stood and thought,
That pencil, my Mother had got.
But there he sat with eager eyes,
With a rueful smile, I gave him my prize.
His eyes grew bright with joy and pleasure,
As he gazed upon his new found treasure.
"Brother we shall remain true forever,
Sail the seas and cross mountains together."
I smiled to him and clapped his coat,
But that pencil, I saw no more.

The last year of school had come,
And amidst all the merryment and fun,
He came to me with smiles afew,
"Friend, I have a favour new.
I am really shy but I have to say,
I need some money for just a day."
For a moment there I stood and thought,
What has this boy ever brought?
But he stood there with helpless eyes,
With a rueful smile, I gave him what's mine.
"Brother we shall remain true forever,
Sail the seas and cross mountains together."
I smiled to him and his shoulder I pat,
That money, he never brought back.

And now the time for the tests had come,
I spent hours standing under the sun,
For a book I needed to read and pass,
A physics book about mass.
Finally, as I came back blue,
He came to me with smiles anew.
"I really need a book to pass,
A physics book about mass.
I'm really shy but I have to say,
Can I borrow your book for just a day?"
For a moment there I stood and thought,
What new hell has this boy brought?
But he stood there in a desperate state,
With a rueful smile, I told him not to be late.
"Brother we shall remain true forever,
Sail the seas and cross mountains together."
I smiled to him but told him to hurry,
But the book was lost, and it was my folly.

Many years have come and gone,
All the grudges long forgone.
As I sat on my chair and read,
The doorbell broke the silence dead.
The postman came with box and mail,
From whom? I had long forgotten that name.
In the box I found to pass,
A pencil, some money and a physics book on mass.
The following, the letter said,
"Friend when you get this, I'll be dead,
For my sickness, has come to head.
For one last time I ask a favour new,
I apologize for these favours few.
I give to you back, what was never mine,
I hope you forgive me one last time.
I'm really shy but I have to say,
You were the best friend I had,in my day."
I stood there, stunned and stared,
At the last words that he had shared,
"Brother we shall remain true forever,
Sail the seas and cross mountains together."
This time I smiled no more,
For my friend was lost to a faraway shore.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes. :|

      I'm a genetic anomaly. Self-produced awesomeness.

  2. i guess you got exchanged at the hospital !
    But good piece of philosophy :)
    and did I ever buy you that pencil? -
    Whatever, enjoyed the rhythm and flow !

    1. I thought I was the only boy in that hospital ward. If I get exchanged, despite that, then that is a serious lack of judgement on your part, "mother". :D

      Yes, yes. Had a pencil. With a snowman cap. Class II that.

      And, Thank You! :)


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