Ground Control To Spaceman Spiff

Dear Spaceman Spiff,

It’s been a while. I hope this finds you happy and well. It seems an age and a reality afar, when we used to go on our intergalactic adventures together. I miss that. The passage of time since has been trying, the monsters of reality have truly taken flesh. I wish I could’ve borrowed your Death Ray Blaster to zap ‘em away, but these battles have made me weary. Try as I might, I can no longer make that spaceship fly anymore. One hard landing too many, eh buddy?

I’ve always been straight with you, ‘cause you get me. I’m stuck, my friend. On an alien planet, where I don’t belong, without recourse, without help. I’ve tried to mingle with them, gather intelligence on their species, but it’s difficult. They’re at war within, while their robotic shells tread the same invisible paths, each believing their path to be unique, yet competing against the others, all the while bending to some ancient pre-set norms. Their internal strife, and the strive to reach their abstract, undefined destination, results in long stretches of self-wrought misery. They like their trinkets, hollow as themselves, afill with grandeur though, enough to ensure the misery and envy of another. They’re social creatures plagued by loneliness, bereft of time, yet with nothing worthwhile to do. A life spent in search of meaning, only to realize too late that the purpose of life, was to have lived it, loved it, cherished it.

For too long I have been here. I’m afraid that I’ve conformed to their ways. In my quest to decimate this pretentious, vain race by exposing their weaknesses, I may have adopted them all myself. It’s been a while since I saw my spaceship as anything apart from the hollow cardboard box that it is, and I’m scared that I’ll never take flight again. There was a time that we were excited about the infinity of this universe, of the limitless possibilities and the joys of exploration and new adventures. Now the same infinities terrify me, of being lost without purpose, without meaning. Spaceman Spiff, wherever you may be, I hope you’re happy, I hope you’re well. I hope to see you again, someday. Till then, happy adventuring.


Your biggest admirer.


  1. I am sure you will have your intergalactic adventures once the virus is zapped.
    I wish you would write more often.

  2. May be the alien planet transforms stranded space explorers like yourself. And may be to survive one needs to keep the space explorer fire alive within oneself with or without morphing strandler (?).


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