Here we go again...

So I wake up once more to the sound of music, and mother Mary comes to me. Tell's me it's time for the semesters again, and I tell her to let it be.

Yes, this is the kind of stuff that I come up with nowadays. Thank your lucky stars folks that I had no internet connection thus far to inflict my thoughts upon the suffering minority that reads these pages. But with the semesters upon me once again, and practicals from tomorrow(today actually, in a technical sense) I had to resign to the fact that my days, for the next couple of weeks, are going to be spent in bored seclusion, so as to successfully pass off the grand illusion that I am indeed studying for these balmy road bumps that pass for examinations. Hence, against my better judgement, keeping aside my new found contempt for the social networking media, here I am once more.

Contempt? Why? Those interested might be asking. (Ever the optimist, I am!)

Well, for one, they don't afford a hint of privacy. Secondly, it's too darn public and there is always too much information cropping up and for thirds, to be part of it, one must keep up the constant charade of actually appearing interested in socializing. Boring! It's not that I have actually got better things to do really, apart from ranting against it that is, but then, there are times, and those times do come and go often enough to count out mood swing as the general cause of it, that one feels utterly irritated and fed up with it all. Sometimes, walking away from it just seems saner. Needless to say, try as one might, one does eventually return, if for nothing else, an anonymous sneak into the going on's of the world around you, and that is all it takes for it to ensnare you once more into it's world wide web (pun intended). Look at that, geek humour. I never thought I'd live to see this day. THIS is what it turns even the best of us into. People, BEWARE!

Alright, keeping up with the theme of the day, which is, nothing can go right, we have practical's starting tomorrow. And like most times, I have not written up a practical file. Unlike most times though, my practical attendance this time, is a very patriotic 0. I am so proud of my mathematician forefathers who thought, that 1 was just not low enough to fully describe the utter uselessness of some people. Well done and thank you! Your invention is what gave my life a definition, even if no meaning.

All that is left to do is stay up and watch some football. Put in an appearance tomorrow and hope for an epidemic of sorts in college. Plague won't be too bad either. Bitter sweet it is. Why sweet? Well....


  1. Hmm..time for me to die a thousand deaths...I guess if u ever say that u are prepared..i guess i'll still die of shock !!!

    1. And being the good son that I am, I don't do that! :)

  2. ummm! what time is it btw Abhro? :D


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