The nightlife.....
23.30 : Father returns from a friends place, the game on TV is over.....time to study...
23.45 : Facebook......
01.30 : Socializing over, hunger pangs.... eat first, study the night, thats the plan...
01.35 : Quietly sneak into the kitchen..... mustn't wake dad up....
01.40 : Chased around the kitchen by a rat.. (the beasts scare the bejesus out of me!)
01.45 : Racket over, cooked pasta and coffee(both a luxury and a necessity)
02.00 : Meal over, time to exercise some gray matter.....
02.30 : Finished off the last few pages of Leonard Cohen's book of for some serious stuff....
03.00 : A Leonard Cohen album looking back....concentrate...I'm serious...
04.00 : Finished writing off 40 pages worth of practicals...finally, some good work..(and you thought this article was just a joke...huh!)
04.10 : Feeling pleased with myself..... but got to push on...lots to do... but first.....
04.30 : Finished off a bottle of beer that I'd sneaked in on my way back home, coupled with The Doors...
04.40 : The birds are flocking outside, times of the essence, got to get back to my books...enough fun now...
04.45 : Internet on, blog open...gloating about it.... and if you're wondering, nah, not even a hint of guilt...
A'right folks.Its been a hard nights work and I need my customary 14 hours of g'nyt to y'all!! And remember, there is no substitute for hard work and determination.........unless you're awesome! Cheers!
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