A long dreaded beginning....

Its 1 a.m on a college night and thats when i decide to start blogging. Perfect timing. 2 years of contemplation and doubts all give away on a cold winter night. Or maybe im just doing this to take my mind off the dreaded thought of a freezing shower and a long haul to college in a remote corner of town the next morning. Whatever it be, here goes nothing... It started 2 years ago when blogging sounded like a cool thing to do and brag about in the school circles that i created this blog. But alas, setting up your account and typing in your name and a cryptic password is one thing, and opening up your mind for the world to read is another. What do i write, will i be able to come up with enough sophisticated literature to pass off as credible or become the next big joke on the social network. Yes i developed cold feet and proceeded with a hasty retreat. I passed by in the months to come, my mind at war, and as good ol Billy would have said, "To write, or not to write; That is the question". And finally, at long last, i have an answer on the affirmative side here i am rambling away on my 1st post..Feels good. I think il do it again sometime.. Maybe on an exam night,just for kicks.. But right now, a blanket and some shuteye are the need of the hour. Got boot camp tomorrow!


  1. Not bad .... this is what happens hen life's a song and you have a roof over and a warm blanket to cover you..and cold shower?? hmm... a tale hangs by the tail.....and the tell tale gets better with every tale you tell..carry on...


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