
Showing posts from August, 2020

Of courage and convictions...

I'm drawn to rebels. I spent the evening on a thoroughly enjoyable research on the Naxalite movement, and the characters surrounding it. Without going into the good and bad, right and wrong of it, it is a mystery, what drives these men and women into such extreme paths. What drives them, enables them, with the courage and conviction to trust their beliefs and ideals enough to take on the might of an entire nation. Then there's us, hesitant on disagreements with our bosses at work for fear of retribution. Hesitant to live our lives on our own terms, for fear of upsetting the apple cart, which drives our life in its slow, plodding, monotonous lanes. Why are some of us so extremely staunch in their beliefs, enough to stake their lives on it, and most others so unwilling to take chances, when the stakes are much lower. It's all you see, to do with convictions, and the courage to act upon them. This post, out of the blue, is not a call to break the status quo, as nothing will, a