So a religious whackjob, Noah, built an ark, of wood and scraps, with his bare hands and intellect limited by the times(thousands of years ago when they had to rub stones to get toasted bread, if you're wondering), stuffed into it a pair of every animal on the planet(the carnivores manned the boiler room, because lets face it, those chaps aren't too friendly, even when you're saving them from extinction, elephants, giraffes, et al) and THAT tin-pot contraption survived God's wrath, the storm of...I dunno, the universe maybe. And on the flip side, armed with the powers of modern science and near infinite wealth and resources, the world's top engineers, built a boat to cross a measly ocean, to allow Jack and Rose to start off an unlikely romance, and named it Titanic, The Unsinkable Ship. And what happens? This wonder of modern boating science engineering, snaps into two when grazed by a freaking cube of ice, floating around in the water. Thus Jack went down and br...